Hemp Seed Oil: Get Deep Hydration without the High

Hemp Seed Oil: Get Deep Hydration without the High

Don’t be alarmed! We’re not promoting the use of illicit substances to achieve beautiful, glowing skin. Instead, we’re admiring hemp seed oil, a natural, all-encompassing, deeply-nourishing hydrating wonder.

First things first, let’s have a mini-lesson on the origins of hemp seed oil. Hemp seed oil is extracted from the seeds of the Cannabis sativa plant and should not be confused with hemp oil, which is a broadly used term to reference oil produced from all parts of the Cannabis plant.

The Hemp

We all know our ABCs, but do you know your CBDs? CBD is short for cannabidiol and is classified as a cannabinoid substance. It is a distinct chemical compound extracted from the plant’s flower, stem, and leaves. CBD is well known for its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory properties. Modern-day usage has also credited CBD for its ability to help with depression, insomnia, and other medical conditions.

The High

Now onto the fun important stuff. Hemp seed oil contains little to no THC (0.3% or less), which is short for Tetrahydrocannabinol and is another cannabinoid substance responsible for the psychoactive properties associated with marijuana (30% THC). If we’re talking specifics, marijuana comes from both the Cannabis indica plant and Cannabis sativa plant, whereas hemp seed oil only comes from the Cannabis sativa plant.

As you can see, you won’t have any of the intoxicating effects with hemp products, because there simply isn’t a high enough concentration of THC in them. This could be good or bad news depending on your preferences.

The Fatty

The high levels of essential fatty acids (EFAs) are the all-stars here. They are responsible for improving the health of dry skin and brittle hair, balancing oil production, calming inflammation, providing anti-aging effects, and giving a glowing complexion. Hemp seed oil also wins the Oscar for its amino acid content, as it contains all nine essential amino acids that we need for our bodies to properly function

The Luxe

Now that you’re primed on the good and the bad, let’s talk about the beauty. The benefits of hemp seed oil are well known in the personal care industry. This skin-nourishing goodness is used in a variety of skincare, makeup, body care, and wellness products.

Here are some of the skin-loving benefits hemp seed oil can provide for your skin.

  • non-comedogenic
  • potent antioxidants
  • plumping and firming
  • balanced oil production
  • high in essential fatty acids
  • calms and soothes irritations
  • anti-inflammatory properties
  • deep hydration for skin & hair

The Experience

Hopefully, we’ve convinced you enough to join our enthusiasm for all things hemp. Check out some of these brilliant formulas to start integrating this skin-friendly beauty oil into your skincare routine.

Emerald Hemp Seed Deep Moisture Glow Oil by Herbivore

Montana Harvest Omega Oil Cleanser by Odacite

Green Goddess Glow Oil by SARISHA

The Glow by Jeffrey James Botanicals

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