Body Oils for the Ultimate Summer Hydration & Glow

Body Oils for the Ultimate Summer Hydration & Glow

With the much-awaited summer season upon us, I’m sure many of us are longing to wear our easy-breezy outfits and soak up some of that irresistible golden light. Hydration is still key for healthy skin no matter what the season, so just like it’s important to wear SPF in the winter, it’s equally important to care for dry skin issues in the summer. So, what are you waiting for – let’s get your summer hydration on!

Body moisturizers come in all shapes, sizes, colors, and formulas. You might have a favorite lotion that smells like juicy strawberries, or a body butter reminiscent of vanilla sugar…mmm. I have another option for you: body oil. Yes, oil, in the summertime! You’ll want to choose oils that are fast-absorbing, and won’t leave you with a slick sheen on a hot summer day, but still provide excellent hydration and other skin-boosting properties.

The Glow-up

Here are some easy-to-find light body oils that give hours of hydration for the ultimate summer glow:

Argan oil: a well-known beauty oil rich in Vitamin E and fatty acids that has antiaging, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. Argan oil is known for its wound-healing abilities and protects against sun damage. It’s also great for those with oily/acne skin as it helps reduce excess oil, and is a safe option for those with eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions.

Apricot oil: a personal favorite, this light-textured oil provides deep hydration and is an excellent choice for dry skin. Apricot kernel oil is rich in Vitamin A to improve skin elasticity, and Vitamin E to provide antioxidant protection. It helps to maintain moisture balance with the help of Gamma Linoleic Acid and balances skin tone. Because of its unsaturated fatty acids, apricot oil has a non-greasy feel, and along with its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a great option for acne-prone skin and those with eczema.

Jojoba oil: another favorite that is also a perfect carrier oil for your favorite essential oil. Jojoba oil is packed with Vitamin E, B complex, copper, and zinc. Similar to other oils listed, it has antiaging, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. It’s a beautiful oil whose texture and makeup are similar to our sebum, so it’s easily recognized by the body and is great for balancing an over-production of sebum, treating dryness, and helpful for those with eczema, acne-prone skin, or sunburn. Another major plus is it’s non-comedogenic!

Hemp seed oil: very skin-friendly and rich in omega-3, 6, and 9 fatty acids to protect the delicate skin barrier and soothe any irritations. As a humectant, this oil locks in moisture for hydrated, glowing skin that stays plump and radiant. None-comedogenic with anti-inflammatory properties, it is beneficial for acne-prone skin and helps to balance oil production. The full blog post is available here!

Pomegranate oil: extremely high in antioxidants (Vitamin C) to reduce signs of aging and fight free radicals, balance complexion, is anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial, plumps, hydrates and protects moisture loss due to its omega-5 fatty acid content, won’t clog pores, and great for eczema and psoriasis.

Sunflower oil: rich in oleic acid and linoleic acid, sunflower oil is another non-comedogenic oil that protects the skin barrier from moisture loss, inflammation, and bacteria. Vitam E helps provide antioxidant protection and helps boost antiaging effects.

Sweet Almond oil: another antioxidant oil rich in Vitamins A, D, and E that’s great for soothing dry skin and sun damage. Sweet almond oil is an emollient which helps repair the skin and makes a great alternative to aloe vera when treating skin irritation from sun exposure. This non-greasy oil is high in fatty acids to protect the skin barrier and has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal, and antiaging properties

The Luxe

While body oils are a great option with endless benefits to maintain healthy skin, take extra care in selecting high-quality formulas that have been sourced ethically. Here are some helpful tips to keep in mind as you search for the perfect all-over glow.

Cold-pressed or expeller-pressed: Buying oils that have not been exposed to extreme heat or other harsh processes helps preserve their nutrient-rich profile to ensure you get the best skin-loving ingredients.

Packaging: It’s often recommended that oils be packaged in dark-colored glass bottles to preserve their efficacy, prevent oxidation, or plastic leaching.

Sourcing: Let’s keep it ethical and sustainable! Stick with reputable brands known for their sustainability practices. The green beauty space is a gold mine for high-quality oils that are eco-consciously sourced from nature.

Formula: Always read labels and do your research! Be sure there are no additives that could cause irritations for any skin conditions you might have. For example, nut oils may cause an allergic reaction. Aim for single-ingredient, 100% certified organic oils that are not diluted.

Lastly, the skin is our largest organ and is highly permeable, what you put on it will be absorbed to some degree. If you’re ever unsure if a specific skincare ingredient or product is a good fit for you, take a moment to check in with your healthcare provider!

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