The Candle Conundrum – To Light, or Not to Light? How to Stay Safe This Season.

The Candle Conundrum: To Light, or Not to Light?

Cozy, crackling candles, the scent of warm apple pie spice and sweet vanilla cream bursting through the air…mmm. These are the delicious moments that fill our homes come fall and winter. While these classic displays of comfort and warmth might seem harmless, they can be a source of unintended health consequences.

Luckily, for those of us on a continuous quest to live more consciously, there are a few small changes we can make to enjoy the cold-weather cozies in a way that is better for our health and home.

The Conundrum

Candles have gotten a biased review from modern-day eco-conscious consumers. We’re no longer tempted by the fifty shades of colorful wax, snowflake-printed jars, and scrumptiously artificial fragrances that wreak of EDCs – IYKYK. That’s right, we’re demanding clean formulas with sustainable ingredients that actually provide benefits instead of harming our homes and environments.

Here’s a quick guide on how to choose the best candle and formula to support your cozy endeavors safely and responsibly.


Being choosy with your candle wax is one of the most important things you can do this season. Conventional candles are made with paraffin, which is a by-product of petrolatum. Petrolatum is a petroleum-based product that has the potential to be contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs are a category of chemicals representing compounds prevalent in our everyday environment through air pollution (wood burning, motor vehicle exhaust) and grilled/charred foods, and have been classified as known carcinogens by the National Toxicology Program and International Agency for Research on Cancer. Without a proper refining history of petroleum products, we risk exposure to these harmful substances. There is also an additional risk of toxic benzene and toluene fumes created by burning paraffin wax. Benzene is a known carcinogen and toluene is known for reproductive toxicity – eek!


Traditionally, candles were designed with lead-cored wicks until they were banned in many places in the early 2000s. Burning lead candlewicks is extremely toxic and can lead to lead poisoning, which is especially dangerous for children and pregnant women. This toxin can accumulate in the blood and body and is responsible for many growth and development issues in children.


Synthetic fragrance is the most common offender when it comes to known toxins. Read all about phthalates and the not-so-hidden dangers of your favorite festive fragrances.

The Safe Season

We can’t stress overall safety enough! While candles bring us all a little more joy, they are also responsible for hundreds of tragedies a year. We want you to be well-informed so you can enjoy these lovely works of art responsibly. These simple changes and recommendations can help you stay safe this season while still allowing you to bask in all of the autumn and holiday cheer.

  • Opt for biodegradable and clean-burning plant-based waxes. Soy, coconut, and beeswax are great options – just make sure they are 100% pure, and not blended with paraffin.
  • Avoid artificially fragranced candles and choose ones scented with 100% pure essential oils. Be sure you have no allergies or sensitivities to essential oils.
  • Artificial pigments in candles pose the same risk as fragrances and may give off toxic fumes when burned.
  • Choose 100% cotton, wood, or hemp wicks.
  • Avoid candles with multiple wicks to better control the temperature of the wax.

Always remember:

  • Do not leave candles burning unattended or overnight
  • Use candles in well-ventilated areas to reduce indoor air pollution
  • Keep all open flames away from children, pets, and stray items that can easily ignite
  • Purchase candles housed in durable packaging to prevent the holder from burning or cracking
  • Burn candles for the recommended timeframe only and keep all wicks trimmed to the recommended size (generally 1/8 – 1/4 inch)

The Cozy

You might also consider other ways to keep your homes smelling sweet and cozy this season. Here are a few easy ideas to try out.

Use a diffuser: diffuse 100% pure essential oils (single notes, or a blend) in an ultra-sonic or heat diffuser.

Create your own essential oil room spray: mix 1.5 cups distilled water with 3 ounces of rubbing alcohol or witch hazel and 10-15 drops of your favorite seasonal essential oil blend. Place in an amber glass spray bottle and spritz generously throughout the day!

Make a simmer pot: bring a large pot of water along with your favorite herbs, spices, and other aromatics to a slow simmer on the stovetop. Ideas include apples, citrus peels, warm spices such as cinnamon, clove, and cardamom, pine needles, vanilla, rosemary, and eucalyptus – the possibilities are truly endless!

Share your cold-weather cozy tips in the comments below!

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