The Eco-conscious: How to Embrace What it Means for You

The Eco-conscious by The Luxe Particle

You may have heard the term “eco-conscious” many times before, but when you stop to think about what it really means, it may not be as crystal clear. In a broader sense, when we speak of being eco-conscious, we are referring to being aware of and taking responsibility for the impact that our actions and choices have on the environment. It means being mindful of how we consume resources, the waste we generate, and the products we use in our daily lives. Essentially, it comes down to how your authenticity and intention play a role in sustainable, equitable practices. How serious are you about the well-being of the world around you, and how committed are you to doing your part to make even the smallest impact?

The Brand

From a skincare perspective, eco-conscious practices include the integrity of all functions between every step of the full product development lifecycle. This applies to ethically sourcing ingredients, suppliers, designers, packaging, distributors, and so on. Of course, it also involves being mindful of the individuals who support your business activities, and ensuring they are aligned with your principles and sustainable processes.

An eco-conscious brand will build its processes around reducing its environmental footprint. This may include committing to formulating only safe, skin-friendly, and earth-friendly products, using zero-waste, biodegradable packaging, and integrating sustainable sources of energy to support production processes. Furthermore, an eco-conscious brand with sufficient resources may also choose to partner with non-profits dedicated to planting more trees, providing access to clean, safe drinking water, donating products to those in need for every purchase made, pledging a percentage of each purchase to fund sustainability-based programs, or implementing frameworks to become more carbon neutral.

The Consumer

With all this knowledge about how a brand is classified as eco-conscious, how does this impact you as a consumer? As consumers of intentionally formulated products, we have a responsibility to continue the product lifecycle even after it has been consumed. A few ways to ensure the brand’s mission is upheld, you may consider:

  • reusing empty non-plastic jars/bottles to store small items
  • repurposing empty packaging to create something new and functional
  • returning used packaging to retailers who provide recycling/trade-in programs
  • cleaning, separating, and disposing of the packaging as per the included instructions
  • supporting brands that offer refillable products (usually offered at a discounted price)

There is no better feeling than supporting a brand that is committed to delivering its very best for its consumers while being mindful of the impacts on the environment around them. When we do our part to keep their mission going strong, we model the same intention, responsibility, and commitment to sustainability.

Tell us your favorite eco-conscious brands and the ways you love to support them!

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